Sunday, September 21, 2008


Please help! Sometime this weekend Jack, Gus, 2 lovely girl mice and a basket of yarn went missing. "Rella" and the sisters just aren't the same and we are all very worried. After Addie awoke this evening calling out for the mice, we formed a search party! Daddy was in charge of the car, all bags, kitchen and bathroom; Mommy took over the basement, laundry room, and yes even the garbage. Addie searched her toys but was just too upset, so to help her cope she climbed/jumped on all the couch cushions and tested the cheerio treasures found beneath the cushions (she didn't approve). We told her we would continue tomorrow morning as soon as the sun came up.

Thank you all for your prayers!


mom2maya said...

Oh no!!

mom2maya said...

Did you go out to lunch or dinner? Did you take them? Did you look in Simba's basket? What about in the backyard? Did you look in the bathroom . . . um I have no idea why but did you?