Saturday, December 18, 2010

3 months old already!

Yesterday was Matilda's 3 month birthday. We can't believe how fast she is growing and time is flying by! She's such a sweet baby and has a great personality! She lets her sister tug and squeeze on her all with big smiles. Last night we finally got her rolling with belly laughs. She's been laughing for a few weeks, but very sporadic. Addie was in the bath and wanted to hear "5 Little Mice", so I was singing/acting it out and Matilda thought it was the funniest thing in the world. So of course the whole family repeated it at least 4 more times just to hear her laugh. Here's a quick recap of the girls:

Matilda 3 months:
-Gravities to the color blue, not sure why but her favorite toys are blue right now
-Getting 2 teeth already!
-Sleeps mostly at night and minimal naps during the day (and only if I'm holding her or shes in her swing)
-Loves her playmat and looking at books
-Getting very close to rolling over, but she is pretty chill just laying there too
-Favorite song, "Don't take the girl", it will calm her down 99% of the time if she's upset. We've changed the music to see if she really loves the song, and yep as soon as a different song comes on she gets all fussy. Addie's song at this age was "I wouldn't have missed it for the world". Both funny songs since I didn't listen to them during preg at all.
-Weight? Not sure, maybe 12 lbs, she was 11 lbs at 2 month

Addie almost 4!!!
-LOVES coloring with markers, her all time favorite thing next to dressing up
-She's so funny at this age, she told me that her friend Owen only wants to be kissed in the mat room. I asked her why she kisses him and her response "Because he Loves me"
-Also loves ghost stories and any story about a rational brain shutting down. She saw Velma faint on Scooby Do and just thought it was too hilarious
-She was so excited to see Santa this year, but when we got up there she wouldn't talk or smile, then was upset all that night about not smiling. Not a good pic but I love it anyway.

Happy Saturday! Only 7 more days until Christmas!

1 comment:

mom2maya said...

I can't wait for Matilda to sing "keep bleeding" :)