Sunday, April 18, 2010

New house

It was a great weekend! We got a ton of stuff done, but of course exhausted now. Addie's new thing, costume changes about 10 times a day and dressing herself or running around naked. It's pretty cute except when she wakes up at 5am and wants her Tiana dress, veil and slippers on right now! She also enjoys coloring on herself, she tries to write "punctual" on her arm (like Mulan), she definitely enjoys all Disney princesses. She's been so funny lately and we are amazed everyday what she comes up with!

Another fun note, Daddy got her playhouse built and all set up! We opted for a "starter" home (as Addie calls it) from Costco instead of building one since we are way short on time. The Costco house is actually really cute, comes with a BBQ, doorbell, phone, bench, puppets, basketball hoop and sand/water buckets. We put rubber mulch down under the house and all around. We also hung up shades in our living room, which is a big deal since we've been here almost 9 years :) Crazy huh!

1 comment:

Grandma Kay said...

Oh my how cute her starter home is.. Kelly did a great job! Happy that you have shades... yey!