Monday, August 17, 2009

Craigslist finds

I found these cute beds about 2 months ago on craigslist. I couldn't decide which one I liked better so I bought them both, all for only $30! We finally got them out on Sunday to paint and have Addie take a look. She's still in her crib, but that should be changing soon. Since Daddy was busy painting the beds, Addie and I got our paints out and had a great time too.


mom2maya said...

Holy cow! When you said painting I was thinking a neat little page . . . Ha! How cute!

Love the beds. Which one are you using??

Sprinkel Queen said...

Yeah which one? So I can buy the other off of you ;)

samantha said...

I can't believe you got both of those for only $30. I'm diffently going to start checking out craigslist. Very cute artist you have there.